Buzz Nightmare
To Insanity & Beyond
An invisibly-thin prank device that buzzes randomly like a phone.
Our stuff is good and our things are nice.
An invisibly-thin prank device that buzzes randomly like a phone.
A physical soundboard that adds SFX to your online chats, podcasts, and more.
A digital watch that tells you the time and date. That's it.
A wearable ring that projects rainbows.
A infinitely customizable license plate frame.
A miniature NYC steam stack for your home.
A cheap and easy platform for creating sound graffiti.
A phone-free safety device that sends text messages and location info.
The Good Stuff Nice Things team comprises Sherwood Forlee and Olaifa Oluwadara. Sherwood does the easy stuff and Olaifa does the hard things. Both have origins in Africa (Zimbabwe and Nigeria, respectively) but now reside in North America.
More Good Stuff & Nice Things